
Sunday, January 07, 2018

Repairing Parrot Bebop Drones

Parrot Bebop Drones are robust durable aircraft that can endure some ruff flights. The bonus is that Bebops are easily and inexpensively repairable. Bebops do have many design features specifically to increase the chances of surviving hard crashes. Flexible props, prop interruption motor-stop, flexible chassis...however, the limits of engineering will be overwhelmed at some point and parts will fail.

Repairing a Bebop just takes a little time..and minor screw-driver skills. They are easy enough to work on as their design is very intuitive. A few tough aspects might need some explaination..and there are examples..

These Bebop 2 & B2 Power Repair Tutorials/Guides can remove the mysteries.

This Bebop 1 Disassembly & Reassembly Video demonstrates some techniques of the original assemblers.

Start Here for replacement parts.

Crashing can damage more than a Bebop. It can cause confidence issues with operators. The best rebound involves a good understanding of what caused the issue and return to fly again. Just like falling off of a bicycle. Dust yourself off...and get back on!

Have Fun!

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