
Monday, February 02, 2015

NASA Shuttle Avionics Integration Laboratory (S.A.I.L.) OV-095 - Historic Landmark

    Somehow, in the great scheme of things, The United States has chosen to take a break from Space least until a new leader might reignite public interest and support the fun to began again. However, it looks like the private sector could provide the next step into space. I wish things were like the old days. Back in the time when Americans ran on pride and actually made great things happen without much support from technology. When I became a Quality Assurance Inspector in the Shuttle Avionics Integration Laboratory (S.A.I.L.) for the (on-ground Space Shuttle) orbiter OV-095 in 1999, I understood the history that made NASA what it was to that point. The next decade was an evolution in a much different direction. The result was, more or less, the end. The S.A.I.L. was a very special place and an essential part of the entire program. It was the heart of America's space program. The S.A.I.L. facility, within the maze-like walls of Building 16A of the Johnson Space Center, is now a Historic Landmark. Visitors can experience the S.A.I.L. on Space Center Houston's Level-9 Tram Tour. If you want a little peek into the these videos below. I'm in the first video more than a few times...and it is very nice to see the changes they made to the facility for visitors. In the second video, Don Magnusson shows viewers the glass box where visitors can safely view the payload bay of OV-095. That glass box sits where my "office" was located for a time.

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