
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Interests to Blog

The last 12 year span was a long stretch...but still somewhat short. Since 2000 I found some time to explore tangents and find a few new things to learn. I now have more hobbies than time. My wonderful family has most of my attention and we are about to add a third offspring. Here is a list of stuff I may expand on in postings to this blog.

1. Flintknapping
2. United States Civil Defense History, Duck & Cover, CDV Radiation Equipment
3. Perfecting LEGO CAD Building Instruction Production
4. My Work History in NASA's, Johnson Space Center, Shuttle Avionics Integration Laboratory, SAIL OV-095
5. Nintendo DS - KORG DS10 Sound Explorations
6. LEGO Robotics
7. Farming Technology
8. Circuit Bending & Noise-Making
9. Inventing Time-Savers & other stuff
10. DIY Life with a Family in Tow

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